Foodtrucks in Kihei - updated

A year ago or two Maui County paved a parking lot on South Kihei Road across from Kamaole Point (between Kamaole II and III beaches). To help cover the costs, they made it a paid parking lot. Unfortunately for the County, everyone stopped using the parking lot, on the plus side, there is always parking to be had (I believe it's $3 for 2 hours or $5 for all day parking as opposed to free parking everywhere else).

However, there are a number of food trucks that have realized an opportunity - this is a prime location with many condo complexes nearby... Most days you will find at least one food truck (I've seen as many as five) and often also a small farmer's market (out of the back of a pick-up truck). If you are lucky (on weekends), there's also a stand bbqing and selling huli-huli chicken at this parking lot. They don't come often anymore, but if they're there, your nose will let you know! Huli-huli chicken is amazing.

yesterday's lunch-time food truck activity at Kamaole Point in Kihei
This parking lot is within walking distance to our Maui Kamaole and Kihei Surfside condos. For more info on Maui's food trucks, check out their facebook page!

UPDATE as of August 2013, sadly the food trucks have been evicted from this parking lot. The farmer's market truck still parks there (though not on the lot), and the huli-huli chicken people still come from time to time.

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