Kihei Surfside updates

Do you enjoy shopping? I love looking through magazines and admiring home decorating. I have been looking for a 'new look' for our Kihei Surfside 405 bedroom for a while now. Guess what - I found some great deals on Labor Day weekend.... here is the updated Kihei Surfside #405 bedroom. This is just a cell-phone picture (not professional).

If you are like me, you may not know what the brown blanket at the base of the bed is. I've come across them in hotels and always wondered.

Guess what - it's not a blanket for you to use, nor is it a 'foot warmer'. It's called a bed scarf or bed runner and its specific purpose is to protect the bedding from dirty luggage.

The bedroom at Surfside is a little crowded because of the big cal-king bed (it is so comfortable that I am willing to give up a little extra space). So rather than a luggage rack, we have this bed runner for you to hoist your suitcase onto while you unpack into the dresser at the end of the bed (this protects our white duvet cover from getting marked up). Once you are done, please fold the bed runner and place it in the closet or out of the way.

Unless of course you like a foot warmer!

By the way, if you prefer to live out of the suitcase, the hallway is nice and wide. Some of our guests just leave their suitcases laying along the wall in the hallway. It's up to you.

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