Be shark safe!

Yes, we have sharks in the waters off Maui. But that isn't anything new - sharks do, after all, live in the ocean. There are a few basic rules to minimize the risk - these apply to swimming in the ocean anywhere.

1. Do not go into the ocean if the water is murky - sharks generally avoid humans, however if the water is murky, they may mistake you for prey.

2. Do not go into the ocean when it's raining or right after (again the murkiness factor). But also, the water could be murky because of run-off from land, so it is a sanitary concern. Plan a different activity until the water is clear again.

3. Avoid swimming/surfing at dusk and dawn (they may mistake you for prey).

4. Do not go into the water if you have an open wound or are bleeding - apart from sharks being attracted to blood, you could also get an infection. Be careful if there is sharp coral or lava rock in the water - best to wear water shoes.

5. Check with the life guards. They will post signs and close the beach if there is a shark sighting.

Having said all this, use common sense and have fun!

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